Enable Aid is a manufacturing company based in Suffolk, England. Our biggest selling product is the Rotunda patient transfer aid. The Rotunda has been handmade at our dedicated manufacturing facility in Haverhill since 1987.

Introduction from the MD

Thank you for visiting our website and for your interest in Enable Aid.

I’m Robert Haylock and I am the Managing Director of Enable Aid Limited.

I founded my first company Machinepart Engineering in Haverhill in 1986 and had regular dealings with a local company L. Person & Son, who were the inventors and manufacturers of the Rotunda. When David Person sadly passed away in 2012 his wife Pamela continued to run the business until I bought the company in 2014. I was keen to continue production of David’s invention, and feel the improvements and modifications I have been able to make to the product over the last 8 years, have enhanced and developed the Rotunda into the market leader for sit–to-stand–to-sit Patient Transfer Aids in the UK.

History of the Rotunda patient transfer aid

The Person family relocated their engineering business from Paris to London around the mid 1800's and in 1962 moved to a newly built factory in Haverhill, Suffolk as part of the governments Industrial Selection Scheme.

1987 - The original Rotunda is born

The Rotunda was originally designed to assist a customer to transfer from a stair lift to a wheelchair. Working in a medical profession, Pamela Person (David's wife) was well aware of the discomfort and back pain suffered by those required to move and handle patients on a regular basis. Pamela requested her husband design something that could alleviate the strain involved in transferring patients from one seated position to another.

Always keen to use his problem solving skills, David - who had a Doctorate in Engineering, designed and manufactured the first ever Rotunda patient transfer platform in 1987. Making the majority of the components in house and assembling them in the factory in Haverhill the Rotunda patient transfer aid soon built a loyal customer base across the UK with NHS and private hospitals, care homes, clinics, rehabilitation centres and private individuals while being cared for at home.



The Rotunda is one of the leading sit-to-stand, on the spot rotation transfer devices in the patient transfer equipment market. The Enable Aid name may be new, however rest assured that the stability and solidness of our product and service remains grounded in the foundations and values created by the Person family back in the 19th century.

We look forward to working with you.

Robert Haylock
Managing Director

The Rotunda

Learn more about the  Rotunda patient transfer aid